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IApplicationGroupMember Properties

The IApplicationGroupMember type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDetailLevel
Gets the current detail level of retrieved objects. You will not be able to get the values of some properties if the detail level is too low. You can still set property values however to override existing values.
(Inherited from IObjectSummary.)
Public propertyDomain
Information about the domain the object belongs to.
(Inherited from IObjectSummary.)
Public propertyIsNew
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is new.
(Inherited from IObjectSummary.)
Public propertyName
Object name. Should be unique in the domain.
(Inherited from IObjectSummary.)
Public propertyObjectType
The object type.
(Inherited from IObjectSummary.)
Public propertyType
Type of the object.
(Inherited from IObjectSummary.)
Public propertyUID
Object unique identifier.
(Inherited from IObjectSummary.)
See Also