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Session Properties

The Session type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAPIServerVersion
API Server version.
Public propertyAPIVersion
API version being used.
Public propertyDebugWriter
Gets or sets the debug writer. All API posts and responses will be sent to this writer. They are sent in the RAW JSON format as sent and received to/from the server.
(Inherited from HttpSession.)
Public propertyDetailLevelAction
Gets the action to be taken when current detail level is too low.
Public propertyDiskSpaceMessage
Information about the available disk space on the management server.
Public propertyIndentJson
Gets a value indicating whether JSON data sent to server should be indented. Useful for debugging.
(Inherited from HttpSession.)
Public propertyLastLoginWasAt
Timestamp when administrator last accessed the management server.
Public propertyLoginMessage
Gets the login message.
Public propertyMaxConnections
Gets the max number of connections to management server allowed.
(Inherited from HttpSession.)
Public propertyReadOnly
Session is read only status.
Public propertySessionTimeout
Session expiration timeout in seconds.
Public propertySID
Session unique identifier.
Public propertyStandby
True if this management server is in standby mode.
Public propertyUID
Session object unique identifier.
Public propertyURL
URL that was used to reach the API server.
(Inherited from HttpSession.)
See Also