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Interface Properties

The Interface type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAntiSpoofing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether anti spoofing is enabled.
Public propertyAntiSpoofingSettings
Anti spoofing settings.
Public propertyIPv4Address
Gets or sets the IPv4 address.
Public propertyIPv4MaskLength
Gets or sets the IPv4 Mask Length.
Public propertyIPv4NetworkMask
Gets or sets the IPv4 network mask.
Public propertyIPv6Address
Gets or sets the IPv6 address.
Public propertyIPv6MaskLength
Gets or sets the IPv6 network mask.
Public propertyIsChanged
Gets the object's changed status.
(Inherited from SimpleChangeTracking.)
Public propertyIsNew
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is new.
(Inherited from SimpleChangeTracking.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the interface name.
Public propertySecurityZone
Gets a value indicating whether interface is assigned to a security zone.
Public propertySecurityZoneSettings
Gets or sets the security zone settings.
Public propertyTopology
Gets or sets the topology.
Public propertyTopologySettings
Gets or sets the topology settings.
See Also