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ServiceSCTP Class

Check Point SCTP Service
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Koopman.CheckPoint
Assembly:  CheckPoint.NET (in CheckPoint.NET.dll) Version: 0.5.1
public class ServiceSCTP : ObjectBase<ServiceSCTP>, 
	IServiceGroupMember, IObjectSummary
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The ServiceSCTP type exposes the following members.

Public methodServiceSCTP
Create new ServiceSCTP.
Public propertyAggressiveAging
Gets or sets the short (aggressive) timeouts for idle connections.
Public propertyColor
Color of the object
(Inherited from ObjectBaseT.)
Public propertyComments
Comments string
(Inherited from ObjectBaseT.)
Public propertyDetailLevel
Gets the current detail level of retrieved objects. You will not be able to get the values of some properties if the detail level is too low. You can still set property values however to override existing values.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public propertyDomain
Information about the domain the object belongs to.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public propertyGroups
Group memberships.
Public propertyIcon
Object icon
(Inherited from ObjectBaseT.)
Public propertyIsChanged
Gets the object's changed status. Includes checking status of all IChangeTracking properties.
(Inherited from ChangeTracking.)
Public propertyIsNew
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is new.
(Inherited from SimpleChangeTracking.)
Public propertyKeepConnectionsOpenAfterPolicyInstallation
Gets or sets the keep connections open after policy installation.
Public propertyMatchForAny
Indicates whether this service is used when 'Any' is set as the rule's service and there are several service objects with the same source port and protocol.
Public propertyMetaInfo
Meta Information
(Inherited from ObjectBaseT.)
Public propertyName
Object name. Should be unique in the domain.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public propertyObjectType
The object type.
(Overrides ObjectSummaryTObjectType.)
Public propertyPort
The number of the port used to provide this service.
Public propertyReadOnly
Indicates whether the object is read-only
(Inherited from ObjectBaseT.)
Public propertySessionTimeout
Gets or sets the session timeout (in seconds).
Public propertySourcePort
Gets or sets the port number for the client side service. If specified, only those Source port Numbers will be Accepted, Dropped, or Rejected during packet inspection. Otherwise, the source port is not inspected.
Public propertySyncConnectionsOnCluster
Enables state-synchronized High Availability or Load Sharing on a ClusterXL or OPSEC-certified cluster.
Public propertyTags
Tags assigned to object
(Inherited from ObjectBaseT.)
Public propertyType
Type of the object.
(Overrides ObjectSummaryTType.)
Public propertyUID
Object unique identifier.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public propertyUseDefaultSessionTimeout
Gets or sets the use default session timeout.
Public methodAcceptChanges(CancellationToken)
Same as calling AcceptChanges(Ignore, CancellationToken) with a value of No;
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public methodAcceptChanges(Ignore, CancellationToken)
Posts all changes to Check Point server. If successful all object properties will be updated with results.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public methodDelete
Deletes the current object.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIdentifier
Gets the identifier that is used when adding this object to a group.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReload
Reloads the current object. Used to either reset changes made without saving, or to increased the detailLevel to Full
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this object.
(Inherited from ObjectSummaryT.)
See Also