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Logs Class

Simple Gateway Logs Settings
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Koopman.CheckPoint.SimpleGatewaySettings
Assembly:  CheckPoint.NET (in CheckPoint.NET.dll) Version: 0.5.1
public class Logs : ChangeTracking
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The Logs type exposes the following members.

Public methodLogs
Initializes a new instance of the Logs class
Public propertyAlertWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to alert when free disk space below value set in AlertWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold.
Public propertyAlertWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowMetrics
Gets the alert when free disk space below threshold metrics.
Public propertyAlertWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold
Gets or sets the alert when free disk space below threshold. Use AlertWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowMetrics to control what metrics this property in.
Public propertyAlertWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowType
Gets or sets the alert type for when free disk space below threshold.
Public propertyBeforeDeleteKeepLogsFromTheLastDays
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to keep logs from the last days BeforeDeleteKeepLogsFromTheLastDaysThreshold before deleting.
Public propertyBeforeDeleteKeepLogsFromTheLastDaysThreshold
Gets or sets the days of logs to keep before deleting.
Public propertyBeforeDeleteRunScript
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run a script before deleting logs.
Public propertyBeforeDeleteRunScriptCommand
Gets or sets the script command to run before deleting logs.
Public propertyDeleteIndexFilesOlderThanDays
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to delete index files older than DeleteIndexFilesOlderThanDaysThreshold days.
Public propertyDeleteIndexFilesOlderThanDaysThreshold
Gets or sets the number of days that index older than should be deleted.
Public propertyDeleteIndexFilesWhenIndexSizeAbove
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to delete index files when index size above DeleteIndexFilesWhenIndexSizeAboveThreshold.
Public propertyDeleteIndexFilesWhenIndexSizeAboveMetrics
Gets the metrics that DeleteIndexFilesWhenIndexSizeAboveThreshold is in.
Public propertyDeleteIndexFilesWhenIndexSizeAboveThreshold
Gets or sets the delete index files when index size above, threshold.
Public propertyDeleteWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to delete logs when free disk space below DeleteWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold.
Public propertyDeleteWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowMetrics
Gets the metrics DeleteWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold is in.
Public propertyDeleteWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold
Gets or sets the threshold of free disk space when below to delete logs.
Public propertyDetectNewCitrixIcaApplicationNames
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to detect new Citrix ICA application names.
Public propertyForwardLogsToLogServer
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to forward local logs to log server.
Public propertyForwardLogsToLogServerName
Gets or sets the name of the server to forward logs too.
Public propertyForwardLogsToLogServerScheduleName
Gets or sets the name of the forward logs to log server schedule.
Public propertyFreeDiskSpaceMetrics
Gets or sets the free disk space metrics.
Public propertyIsChanged
Gets the object's changed status. Includes checking status of all IChangeTracking properties.
(Inherited from ChangeTracking.)
Public propertyIsNew
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is new.
(Inherited from SimpleChangeTracking.)
Public propertyPerformLogRotateBeforeLogForwarding
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to perform a log rotate before log forwarding.
Public propertyRejectConnectionsWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to reject connections when free disk space below threshold.
Public propertyReserveForPacketCaptureMetrics
Gets or sets the metrics used by ReserveForPacketCaptureThreshold.
Public propertyReserveForPacketCaptureThreshold
Gets or sets the reserve for packet capture threshold.
Public propertyRotateLogByFileSize
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rotate logs by file size.
Public propertyRotateLogFileSizeThreshold
Gets or sets the rotate log file size threshold.
Public propertyRotateLogOnSchedule
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rotate logs on a schedule.
Public propertyRotateLogScheduleName
Gets or sets the name of the schedule to rotate logs by.
Public propertyStopLoggingWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to stop logging when free disk space below StopLoggingWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold.
Public propertyStopLoggingWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowMetrics
Gets the stop logging when free disk space below metrics.
Public propertyStopLoggingWhenFreeDiskSpaceBelowThreshold
Gets or sets the stop logging when free disk space below threshold.
Public propertyTurnOnQOSLogging
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to turn on QOS logging.
Public propertyUpdateAccountLogEvery
Gets or sets the frequency that accounting logs should be updated in seconds.
Public methodAcceptChanges
Resets the object’s state to unchanged by accepting the modifications.
(Inherited from SimpleChangeTracking.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also